Sunday, November 9, 2014

Excerpts from Dakota's Letter on November 3, 2014

He assigned us the following scriptures of the week for study: Alma 12:14, 13:20, 16:16&17, 17:10, 32:19, 34:31-34, and 3 Nephi 18:1-12.

He also challenged us to do the following.:
Yesterday we listened to a talk by President Eyring called O Remember Remember. It was really cool and it talked about keeping a journal or some sort of list of blessings you recieved each day or different things you are thankful for. i guess those 2 things are kind of the same thing since we should always be thankful for our blessings so i wanted to challenge you guys to do that and then on thanksgiving you will have a big list of blessings that you guys are thankful for that you will be able to pray and thank Heavenly Father for.  

Stories from his letter:
Not really a lot happened this week but we did have an investigator that told Elder Bleyle she was having dreams about him and her being boyfriend and girlfriend and them going on dates and kissing so that was kinda funny and weird and now he gets teased by all the members here about it, especially Bennie.

On Tuesday we were able to pull a pretty good prank on the sisters. They were in macon at transfer meeting all day so at dinner we practiced to pick their lock so we could do something to their apt but while i was practicing we saw lizards so we decided to catch them but we didnt know what we wanted to do with them so finally we decided we would sneak them into the sisters apartment somehow so we gave them a random dish and said it was food which it was but it had lizards with it so when they got in their apartment they opened it and the lizards jumped out just like they did while we were trying to get it all set up and get them in the same container as the food.

We left the Sisters the note below

This last experience was the worst but best. We went to an investigators house to teach her but all of her family was drinking so we just said hi and talked a little bit before we left. She is having a tough time with her family right now and her daughter is going to jail today because she is turning herself in.We were talking to Betty, our investigator and sharing our testimonies about how the gospel can help and bless families no matter what is going on in their lives but her son in law kept interrupting. we finally split up so I talked to Betty and EB talked to her son in law. Finally I was able to share my testimony with her and then he started talking about how Jesus Christ is like Santa Clause to him and how he is just some fake character but he believes in God. Then he started talking about how he would lay down in the dirt right there and pay for all of the sins of the whole neighborhood right then and there. After that he said some very vulgar things about Christ so we left. I HAVE NEVER REALIZED HOW MUCH I TRULY LOVE MY SAVIOR UNTIL HE SAID WHAT HE DID.  I am so thankful that Christ did what he did for us and that Heavenly Father was willing to sacrifice Him for us because I know that we would not be able to be here today if it wouldn't have happened.

Love you and miss you guys a bunch
Love Elder Cobler

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