Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Few Updates for January

Visit From Elder Andersen

Yesterday we were helping an investigator clean their house for an inspection so that we could teach them after and when we went out to the dumpster, we found a treadmill by it so we brought it back to our investigators house to see if it worked and it did!! So then we had to figure out how we were going to get it back to our house that was .75 miles away. Our Investigator, Nick, helped us rig it with a cord since we didn't have rope so we cut a plug-in off of a broken massage chair and used it to tie the treadmill to Elder Saurey's Shoulders. Voila!

The last pictures are of our new chair that the Sister missionaries in Tifton found by their dumpster so we have become quite the Dumpster divers. We drove 30 miles with it hanging half way out of our trunk back from Tifton.

We did all that yesterday and then we went to the 2nd biggest baptist church here. It was actually really good. It is definitely easy to see how so many people are so confused about the truth since everything the pastor talked about was true doctrine even though he has no authority. We went because we had an Investigator that told us that if we went to her church she would come to ours so that was definitely worth it. The Investigator's name is Miss Register and she is the spunkiest 77 year old lady I have ever met. She acts like she is 50. She is super awesome,

It is just really hard to help people understand the importance of having the priesthood and discuss how their churches not having it and most of them not even knowing what it is means that they are false but we are working on that. The gospel in Utah is taken for granted way too much. It is so common and so people can't experience what it is like to not have it. It truly is more important than anything else in this world and life is so much easier when we have it in our lives.

I wish I would have understood the true importance of the Gospel before I left so that I could have helped so many others understand the importance and all of the different blessings that can come from the Gospel. Well anyway...Church...Church was awesome again because of the 2 investigators we were able to get to come. The other one, Sloan, is super duper crazy though. :-)

So a couple random things...we had and investigators daughter pray for us this last week...IT was super cute...she prayed for Elsa to be put away so that she will stop freezing people even though Elsa is her favorite character in frozen and she also prayed for her stuffed animals. Finally her mom told her to say amen...It was hilarious! Last random thing and then I want to talk about scrips. We met a lady who lives in totally segregated city so that is pretty sketchy. On one side of the railroad tracks is white and the other is black and the white's won't let a single person buy land on their side of the tracks unless they are white and they don't have any paved roads on the black side or anything like that.

Now for Scrips ------------------

So this week I started highlighting every time the BoM says "inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments ye shall prosper in the land" It is super cool to see all of the different blessings that follow and prove that they truly are prospering when they keep the commandments. When I finish that I am going to go through the rest of the cheap free BoM and highlight anything that relates to keeping the commandments and then I am going to write a one page paper about that subject. This is counsel that Elder Bednar gives people when they want to learn about a subject. It is super cool to see how it works and then when you want to do another subject you get another cheap copy of the BoM and then highlight everything related to that. Then you have a bunch of BoM's that all focus on one subject but have everything on that subject highlighted so I want to give you guys that challenge. to pick a subject and then read through and highlight every time it talks about that. It is so cool to see how it works. 

The last cool thing I learned this week or realized is in 2 Nephi 10:25. It talks about death and how Christ overcame death for us. 

Well that's all for now.  Love ya lots and miss you tons!

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