Saturday, October 10, 2015

Don't forget to wish Elder Cobler a Very Happy 20th Birthday on October 12th.

Conference Weekend 9/28 - 10/4

This week was pretty chill! we didn't do much this last week that was all that exciting other than conference and a wild game dinner we went to on Friday that was pretty fun! PS wild boar does not taste like regular pork whatsoever. It is actually pretty gamey...unless he just didn't cook it a good way...brunswick stew is also pretty awful...

Saturday and Sunday all we did was stay at the church all day pretty much for conference which was awesome! I think my favorite talks were...well really I didn't really have any favorite talks because I was able to pull lots of things out of each talk that really helped me. It is so cool how when we listen to the spirit during things like church and General Conference how we can be taught things that are totally different than what they may be talking about or what other people are being taught. Our guidance from the holy ghost is so individualized and personal. I loved all the talks about light and becoming what God wants us to become and about keeping the commandments.

Transfers and Saying Goodbye 9/20 - 9/27

Last Monday we went to teach our neighbor Tom. He is super cool and we teach him about every day. He is so humble and just wants to change his life. He is an alcoholic which has given him the mind of probably a 6th or 7th grader but he is so amazing!

Tuesday we had our last district meeting for this district since Elder Williams, Sister Landis and Sister Goade are all leaving. Sister Landis is the only one going home though. It was probably the funnest and one of the most spiritual District Meetings I have ever been at.

Friday we helped a 90 year old change a flat on his car and then we got rear ended but it wasn't too bad. Only a dent the size of a quarter and some scratches. then we hustled home and I changed and then I went and ran...I went out with some 14 year old and did all that I could not to push him...I was just trying to stay with him without making him go faster but I died after about a mile and a quarter and then I got passed by some 50 year olds and that freaking 11 year old girl. She does USATF and is like 3rd or 4th in the nation according to their coach so its all good. I haven't run the past 2 weeks but I am trying to get back into it. I am doing pretty well. Then we went and taught Tom again and it was super spiritual and an awesome lesson.

Saturday we listened to the Transfer Call and I already told you who was leaving so that is going to be rough...I've never been so close to a district. It was really cool how well all of us got along. We then spent forever signing each other's Airplane books which is basically just a missionary yearbook. Elder Hansen and I went and tried to teach a few people. Then we taught Tom again and had an even more spiritual lesson so that was awesome. 

Sunday in the morning we pranked the sisters back one last time and covered their car in shaving cream and then we helped them clean it and we got in a shaving cream fight. We then hustled to church and then we had to teach gospel principles randomly and we totally had to wing it but it was an awesome lesson about the gathering of Israel so it was pretty easy to talk about that. We saw people the rest of the night and then called it a day. It was a blast of a week but saying good bye is always pretty tough.

Golden Infishtigators   9/7 - 9/13

Tuesday not much happened it was about our only time all of last week to actually proselyte. We did go see Rick to give him a blessing and it was super cool because in the blessing something was said about putting one step in front of the other on your path of faith and then as we walked out he goes "Well Elders! I'm going to put one foot in front of the other and come to church this Sunday!" He didn't come though. We can't really do anything else for him. We already have his baptismal record all filled out and he just won't commit. he gets about a week away from the date we set for him to be baptized and then he bails. Oh well. He'll get baptized one day.
Wednesday we went to Macon and we were there or driving all day. It was a meeting for trainers and trainees so that was pretty good. I also got to see Sister Dayton from East again so that was pretty cool. After that we headed home and did our baptismal interview for Jo'Cheryl. 
Thursday we had a Zone Training Meeting in Evans which was really good and the Sister Training Leaders talked about finding golden investigators and then they took us in the gym to look for a prize and I found the "Golden Infishtigator" so that is what the picture of me holding goldfish with the Sister Training Leaders is. It was a pretty fun day and we had an awesome talk about all kinds of things at lunch. When we got back we had BoM class which was awesome! Scott taught it for us and it was about Alma 26:13 and then we talked about the question have we not great reason to rejoice? and it was the best BoM class we have had so far. After BoM class I interviewed Timothy for his baptism this next Saturday and that was a really cool experience because of how strong the spirit was telling me he was ready. 
Saturday we had the baptism which was awesome and then on Sunday she was confirmed but we practically had to drag her up there because she was so nervous but it was all good and she did it! It was a really good week!

Answered Prayers  8/31 - 9/6

Saturday we met this super cool lady. She told us that 2 days ago she prayed and asked God to help her continuing believing and then we knocked on her door. She definitely took it as her answer so that was awesome and now she is probably our coolest and sincere investigator even though we have a baptism for a 9 year old this Saturday! 

This next week is going to be insane because we are going to Macon for basically all of Wednesday then Evans GA for Thursday and Augusta GA for all of Friday and then Saturday is the Baptism and we are teaching the Cottles so it is going to be crazy hectic

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