Sunday, October 25, 2015

Also below is the text that came with the picture from his Ward Missionary Leader. I love getting those!

"The baptism of Michael Tyrell Williams Jr. at the Coker Spring Ward, Aiken, SC. Your families have sent us wonderful Missionaries...thank you!  Max Bassett (WML)"


Week of October 12 - October 18, 2015

This week I had an awesome Birthday week!

Monday we went to the Polo game which was a was super cool to watch...kinda scary when they get close to you and they are hauling tail toward you but super cool...And we found a polo ball in the ground that a horse stepped on so it was buried so we dug it out and I got to keep it cause I pulled the "its my birthday" card. I also got a sweet confederate flag jacket so that was pretty sick! One of the recent converts from the Aiken Ward found it at Goodwill so she bought it for me. Then Scott took us out to Flanigans for ice cream and we headed home!

Tuesday we had district meeting and then I went on exchanges with Elder Weston (a fellow runner). It was awesome to be able to talk about past times and racing...We had a super successful day of missionary work too which always feels good! We met a referral named Aretha. She was homeless for the 6 months of the past year she was in Aiken and then the Elders started teaching her and she was able to get back on her feet. She is super duper cool and will probably be baptized pretty soon! It was super cool how my ponderizing scripture last week was Mosiah 3:19 and it helped so many of our investigators! Especially the ones we taught today. This week I am doing Mosiah 24:15.

Wednesday we exchanged back and then we went to teach Isla with Brother Wheatley which was awesome because usually she just talks, but he overpowered her and then taught her the whole restoration himself and it was super awesome! Then we had interviews that night which was a super awesome experience and I learned tons so that was really really cool! Oh and on Tuesday one of the Aiken sisters, Sister Bradford, broke her foot so we also gave her a blessing tonight with President.

Thursday we just had a normal day of missionary work and Elder Hansen got his flu shot. The Spirit taught me something really cool in Book of Mormon class though! So we are referred to as representatives of Christ all the time as missionaries so we are representing Heavenly Father in a sense as well. Here on earth when a child misbehaves the parents get blamed for not teaching the child correctly so therefore they are representing their parents by the way they act. We too as Heavenly Father's children have the same relationship so we have to do the best we can so that we can represent Heavenly Father well and make Him proud of us.

Friday was mostly just a normal missionary day of serving and teaching.

Saturday we had the baptism for Michael Williams Jr. If y'all haven't noticed yet everyone I have baptized has had the last name of Williams.

Then I applied for a job at Ihop...well not really but we helped one of our investigators do that. Then nothing out of the ordinary happened the rest of the day.

Sunday, Church was awesome! I learned so much. It was kind of a bummer because Sister Williams was sick so Michael didn't come to church to be confirmed so technically he isn't a member yet but he will be by the end of this week. In Church we learned all about the Holy Ghost and about teaching and learning so those were both really awesome talks. The rest of the day was a normal missionary day!

Week of October 5 - October 11, 2015

This week was a really busy week! Monday we had our nerf war which was fun as usual then tuesday and wednesday we just had normal days of missionary work with not much of anything exciting. Thursday was awesome! We had a zone training meeting in Evans. It was kinda weird because I didn't really get any notes out of it and usually I get tons and that is one of the missionary meetings I learn most in but nothing was really taught to me and I was trying so hard to be spiritually prepared and listen to the spirit but I guess he just wasn't talking much. At the end Elder Shelton and Elder Schlaich shared their testimonies because it was their last zone training meeting. The spirit still didn't teach me a whole lot in that but later in the day I was thinking about it and then the spirit finally taught me. It was so cool! I only have 9 months left and I got super trunky to make those 9 months count more than ever. Becoming what Heavenly Father wants me to has been really hard but some how at that time my faith was increased so much that I had no fear or doubt at all and ever since then I have been able to submit to the will of Heavenly Father so much more...

This last week I ponderized Ether 12:27 and learned from Alma 32:5 that to make those weak things strong we have to humble ourselves by asking what we shall do. Then Phillipians 4:13 says that we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. The key word is DO. We just DO what he tells us to and submit to His will and then He will make it possible for us to do that and as we do it, it strengthens us. I learned so much last week and now I am ponderizing Mosiah 3:19 that talks about yielding to the enticings of the spirit or what the spirit tells us to do. Then after the meeting we met 2 of the coolest new investigators but one of them was kinda crazy and said the pleiadians abduct her and show her around...apparently she has been to the galactic federation building to listen in on meetings...she was crazy but kinda cool...she basically described the Kingdom of God on Earth the first time we met her when talking about going to these other planets. 

Friday we had a crazy day and taught tons of awesome lessons and one of them is getting baptized next saturday so that is pretty cool! it is Jo'Cheryl's brother! Then Saturday we had lots of fun seeing the alien lady again and we went to a baptism that was really good. Sunday we just stayed really busy with regular missionary work running from one appointment to the next so that was really fun. It was an awesome week! Love you and miss you guys tons!
Love Elder Cobler

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