Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 13, 2014

Hey Mom!
You will have to send me pictures from those family gathering type things with Nyal and Haywood. i would say just put them in a different folder that I will make for you guys called stuff from home :) Actually since we are low on time it would be nice if you could do that for me :)

I PROMISE THAT AS YOU RELY ON THE LORD HE WILL HELP YOU THROUGH THOSE HARD TIMES. YOU JUST HAVE TO EXPERIMENT WITH IT AND GIVE IT A TRY. THATS WHAT ALMA 32 IS ALL ABOUT. Oh and speaking of that my scriptures are Mosiah 23:27, Mosiah 29:20, Helaman 13:14, Alma 5:40, Alma 11:37, 1 Nephi 1 :19&20, and 2 Nephi 6:11

We had a crazy good week this week but a lot of kinda weird experiences like some crazy guy that we couldnt even understand kissed me and one guy we know pretty much runs Lanett we are pretty sure and he used to be in a bike gang but we decided he is still part of the Banditos which is like a really bad bike gang that runs the state of Alabama and we are pretty sure he is like a head guy in that cause when we asked he just kinda laughed about it anyway he is super chill and he reads the BoM all the time and backs it up to all of his friends but i feel like I already told you about him. And then there is another guy who is one of our members uncle that always tries to bible bash but we always destroy him and he still thinks he wins...It is really dumb but oh well.

Oh funny experience...On wednesday we were just getting to the apartment at night and we got a call from a member that wanted to give us left over pizza so since we never get fed we hustled over there and got it. On the way there we needed 1 more contact to hit our goal so we saw this car pull up and knew it was our chance to hit our goal. I rode straight up to them and started talking and it ended up being 2 college girls that seemed really interested in us...the problem was that they were interested in us and not the gospel...anyway, we went and got the pizza and then headed back home while i rode 1 handed but we got to a hill and I had to shift so i reached across and ended upl pushing the handle bar and it made me turn right into the curb where i flipped over the handle bars and did a superman right into a plastic pole that i destroyed...The pizza was fine which was the important part...a few seconds later Elder Bleyle asked me what halppend so as dumb as i am I went to show him instead of tell him but this time I turned the other way which was right into him and it made us both wreck...It was hilarious but way more devastating even though we weren't hurt the pizza went everywhere cause i didn't close the box right...oh well we decided to give it to the sisters :)

Keeping the breakfast pancake tradition alive:

Well Talk to you next week!! Love you guys tons!
Love Elder Cobler

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