Saturday, October 25, 2014

September 15, 2014

Well this week was pretty good but our numbers were really low because we didnt get to do much missionary work cause we were busy getting Elder Merrill ready to go home. I did finally get your package and i believe it took 10 days to get here. Also it is really hot outside which means chocolate melts so the cookies were kinda messy but they were still good. I have only taken the liquid iron once because i dont have it with me right now. right now i am staying in lagrange georgia with the elders here but just until tomorrow when i get my new companion. There appartment here is roach infested so its really nasty and i wont leave anything out anywhere. I also havent really eaten much since i got here yesterday afternoon because i dont know where the roaches have been so im starving. Its alright though because we are going back to lanett tonight because i arranged a service project for one of our investigators so i will be able to eat and do all of that stuff tonight when we stay at our clean apartment. Im definitely looking forward to that moment. and for the moment that i get to spray all of my items that i brought with me here in our bug spray. Letting elder merrill go was really hard but i didn't really have much of a choice so i guess its whatever. Im really excited for my area to become a bike area though and yes i do drink plenty. i would get migraines all the time if i didnt with how hot it is down here so i almost always have a bottle with water in it.

This last week was really fun and last week we talked to my first open gangster. He had a red bandana that we kept looking at and finally he told us that we didnt need to be worried about it and that he doesnt have it because he is a member of the Bloods but just because he was affiliated with them...shows how educated the people are down here cause im pretty sure affiliation and membership in gangs is the same thing. Anyway we talked to him for quite a while and he told us a bunch of his friends that we should go see that need Christ in their lives more and he told us all about how the news makes gangs in lanett seem worse than they really are and how they exaggerate how many members there are and how there are only 600 gang members and not as many as the news says and how they only kill people that are asking for it so that was really comforting...not. Oh and i also messed up my bike this last week. I was going down a really steep hill and then had to jump off the curb and i was going really fast and the road wasnt wide enough to turn so i slammed on the brakes and my back wheel and chain slammed into the curb on the other side of the road but its ok! I fixed it all and it is back to original condition. I just had to pull the chain off all the way and work with it a little bit because i bent a link and so it wouldnt move but i was able to get it straightened all out and its all fixed now. Oh last week i forgot to send my weekly scriptures so here are both last weeks and this weeks.
Jarom 1:7
Mosiah 1:6&7, 2:41, 4:30, 7:19&33, 9:17&18, 10:10,11&19, 11:24
Joshua 1:9
2 Nephi 4:34
Jacob 7:25

Dad, that long run sounds miserable but i definitely miss those kinds of runs and cant wait to do them again. Hopefully i am still able to run a lot in the mornings with my next companion but im not sure yet. Ill find out on tuesday and then let you know next monday. I should be able to get them up and out the door though cause you know how moody i can get if i dont run. We will see i guess.

Well i guess ill get to talk to yall next week with my new companion.
Love ya and miss ya tons and thanks for the packages :)
Elder Cobler

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