Saturday, October 25, 2014

Hi All,
Below is the compilation/summary of Dakota's letters through September 7.  I will try and updates once in a while but it won't be every week. Also here is his mailing address:

Elder William Dakota Cobler
400 Northside Crossing
Macon, GA 31210

Week One
In the MTC -    My companion,  and I were called to be zone leaders. We will be over a couple of Districts and it is the highest calling you have at the MTC. My companion is Elder Holt. He grew up on a farm in Enterprise, Utah. He is awesome and we get along really well.
    The spirit is very strong here at the MTC. I am learning the power of prayer. It is really cool to know he answers my prays. I was having trouble relaxing Sunday night and asked my Heavenly Father for help. On Monday morning the first thing we talked about was just that. It is comforting to know that as I encounter hardships and daily stress, I can let the Lord take care of all of that.
    We have begun teaching investigators. It is really cool how easy it is to teach the investigators  There is a center here that has a mix of members and non-members, we go there to teach actual lessons to the investigators. It is crazy how when I read the scriptures, a certain scripture stands out, and later when I go to teach an investigator that scripture was just what they needed to hear. We try to teach to the needs of the investigator. It is amazing how all the investigators so far all needed to know and realize the same thing.  God really is there and He loves us. When they realize that, it is really cool and they understand that they don't want to hurt their Heavenly Father anymore.
    The food is pretty good here at the MTC. It is making me fat, up to 135 pounds. So I need to run more. I was able to go for a 5 mile run on Saturday. I should be able to run some more throughout the week. It has been cool to run into so many other runners from High Schools from Utah. I've seen Jared Croft from Hillcrest, Trevor Leavitt from Davis, some Riverton guys and went to the temple this morning with Andrew Brewer from Bingham. It was nice to be able to talk to him.  
    We have a lot of classroom time here studying the scriptures. It can make the days long and we don't get a lot of sleep. Except for the occasional nap I sneak doing some "extra praying" while in class. I might not get a P day next week because I will be leaving the MTC and flying out to Georgia on Monday at 3:30 am. I look forward to reading everyone's emails and will send out a new one when I get the next opportunity.

Week Two
 Travel to Macon, Met the mission president and headed to their first assignment - in Valley Alabama

Week Three bike didnt come. He also didnt have the right address in his system but im in a driving mission right now so im fine and my companion wont have his bike until this thursday so we are just driving and then on thursday one of our zone leaders is letting me borrow his bike until mine gets here. It should be on its way by now i hope but you should check. I dont know if ill be able to use dropbox or not so i might have to just try and email a few pictures every week until you get all of them but I asked PResident cottle about it since he has to approve every website we use. I dont really have tons of time to write people so youll have to let them know that they will have to wait a couple weeks to get replies sometimes. And letters are always more appreciated because then i can have them whenever and reply almost whenever as well. Even though they take longer to get here. they told us to have you guys continue sending things to the mission home address because its just easier since we dont know where or when we are being transferred and our addresses are changing and things like that so just send everything first class mail through the post office or she cant forward them. so everything has to be first class. Especially packages. You can send anything you want whenever you want We already have a few investigators that are going to be baptized which is really cool because they havent had any in our area for quite some time. The Elders that were here before us struggled a little bit i think but thats alright. we all struggle with different things. Our appartment is nasty so i cant wait to clean it all up today. we probably wont even make a dent though. We'll see. My companion is a really good missionary and has been the President's assistant for the past 6 months which is the longest you can stay somewhere. IVe really learned how important it is to just trust that the lord will take care of us if we do what He asks. I gained a really strong testimony of this when i was reading in 1 Nephi 6 yesterday to one of our investigators but my computer time is about to expire so ill have to write more about everything next week.
Love, Elder Cobler
Sorry I didn't get to write more.

Week Four
My bike is finally in Georgia but I dont pick it up until wednesday when we have a zone conference in Macon where there is an Area 70 that is here to speak to us. He is also here to come to our stake conference next week. I Think im going to write letters to you all from now on and then ill just reply to the quick emails. Just send letters to the mission home and then she forwards them to us since our address changes when we get transferred to a new area. Also I was wondering if you could send me a recipe for some oat and peanut butter no bake cookies that are quick to make. Our home made version is different every time... I started running again and we found a gym so my companion can go lift weights while i run but the furthest i have made it in one run is 5 miles since we are only there for 40 minutes and we have to bike 3 miles there and back at 5:45 in the morning so it is really dark on the way there. Lanett is kind of a sketchy area especially near the projects cause there is tons of gang violence and shootings but we stay out of the projects so its ok. Also if there is going to be trouble that we are about to walk into people will usually tell us that we dont want to go in that ceertain area for a little while so they warn us. We are having tons and tons of success so that is really good but i will write more to you in letters. Talk to ya next week.
Love ya tons,
Elder Cobler
PS I attached a picture of my companion and then one of his friends and his friends companion who is one of the new missionaries that came from the MTC with me. Oh and dont forget to tell people to write me letters instead of giving them my email so give them the address for the mission home instead of giving them my email.

Mid Week Letter
We almost hit all of the standards of excellence which is really really really rare. My companion has only done it 1 time and out of all the missionaries in our mission that have leadership positions he was the only one. The only one we didn't hit was investigators at church. That one is the hardest to hit because we can't control that one le we can for the others. We only had 1 investigator at church and the stand for excellence is 4. I loved reading my scriptures this past week. I made a goal for this week to try and find 5 scriptures to help others as I read for my hour in the morning. We'll see how it goes. Reading them is one of my favorite ways to calm myself and find answers to my prayers. I'm always being told by people that if I want to talk to God I need to pray but if I want Him to talk to me then I need to read my scriptures. My favorite scriptures lately have all been about the plan of salvation. I love 2 Nephi Chapters 2 & 9=11. That's what they are all about. I'm really trying to learn about the P.O.S. I can tell that He has a ton in store for me later in my life that wouldn't be possible without me serving a mission. Last week I had some crazy experiences from almost drunk girls thinking we were strippers to exploring the ghetto. The people are all so nice.

We had quite the crazy week here! We had a zone conference on Wednesday with one of the 70 and then we had stake conference this weekend with him and the area 70 that is over our area. We learned tons! some of my favorite things from this week were my daily scriptures though. I started doing this new thing where i pick a scripture every day. One of the days I had to pick 2 of them though. They are 2 Nephi 25:29, D&C 112:27-29, Proverbs 3:5, 2 Nephi 22:2, Mosiah 27:25-30, Alma 13:3&4, 2 Nephi 28:32, and Alma 32:27-29. President Cottle authorized dropbox for me so i uploaded a few pictures. I was told by Elder Kopischke to invite everyone to come up with a question they might have. Then we have to invite them to come to church and promise them they will receive an answer to their question. He made us all do it at zone cofnerence and every single one of us received an answer. It was amazing. It is going to be so much easier to get people to church on Sunday because we have really been struggling with that. The other crazy thing that happened this week was we got lost in the woods but it was alright. I think i talked a little bit more about it in my running log but i just got my 2 minute time warning for the computer so i better try and wrap it up in case she doesnt let me add more time on. Ill try to add more in my letter if i get a chance to write one. Ive been exhausted so i sleep every chance i get. so we'll see if i write letters when i get home or not. There isnt really all that much more to write about. But she just gave me more time to write so its all good. Im getting really bad about eating. I finally broke 140 lbs but all i eat is pb&js so i dont get how im gaining so much weight cause im sweating tons too. My bike is awesome. I love it. it did have a huge scratch in it from shipping though but i dont think you can see it in the pictures.

Week Five/Six
Well we had an amazing week. I almost broke 145 lbs this last week but I got back down a little bit and ill get more down today because I should be able to run around 15 miles today. We'll see. This last week we had the coolest experience possible. Elder Merrill says its the coolest thing that has happened his entire mission. We were sitting in the front yard teaching an investigator and this car drives past us. All of a sudden the man and woman started reversing back to us. The man got out of the car and started yelling. We were a little worried at first but it was the best thing that could've ever happened. He yelled at our investigator that he better listen to us and do everything we say because we were "good ol' joseph smith Mormon boys." We went to talk to him really quick so we could get his contact information and then finished our lesson. On Thursday we went to go visit him and his wife. We learned that he was a less active member and that he had taken his wife to different Mormon historical sites like the Jail and Nauvoo. Apparently something happened to his wife at Nauvoo that really changed her. HIs wife is a Methodist minister. She had been searching for the missionaries for quite a while. The day they drove past us they were getting her some medicine at the CVS down the street. As they left he told his wife that he had the feeling there is something cool down this road so he wanted to go explore it. As they drove down the road she constantly told him how it was not good and how there was nothing down the street except for old  dumpy houses. Then they ran into us. The only problem is she will be out of town for the next few weeks so we can't start teaching the lessons but I know that she will be baptized for sure because she told us all about how the Nauvoo temple president came and talked to her and how she really wants to get married to her husband in the Nauvoo temple. I really missed you guys tons lately. I'm really glad that 1/2 price milkshakes at sonic is finally over because I think that might be why I was gaining so much weight because other than that all we ever eat is rice and maybe beans and chicken. But we mostly just eat rice. Also it really is true about Kool-Aid. Everyone down here drinks tons of it. Oh well though I like it. Im kinda nervous for this next week though. Tomorrow we have interviews with President Cottle and then after that on Wednesday I have to give a training on Charity and love in our district meeting so we will see how that goes. I kinda knew our district leader was going to decide to have me give a training but I don't really know why he wants me to do it. It's my companion that was the last assistant, not me. Ive only been out here for 4 weeks! Im pretty sure he is psycho. I also learned how hard giving blessings is. I had to give 2 this last week and in one of them I thought I was going to die. Im pretty sure if I would have sweated anymore than I already was then I would have passed out from dehydration...Sorry Im so dramatic. It makes things more fun. My favorite scriptures this week were 2 Nephi 31:16-18,33:10, Jacob 3:1, 4:11, 6:11, Moroni 7:43&44, and Enos 1:13.  I love it out here. But we run in to some pretty psycho and scary people around here. Almost everyone drinks or smokes or does both and half the people we teach we have to teach them when they are half drunk because they just don't know when to stop. This last week we dropped all of our investigators that live in the Ghetto or the projects cause things started getting out of hand. It is kind of a bummer but we will let the sisters in our area have everyone in the Ghetto from now on so we can be safer. Love ya tons and remember that it isn't possible to have too much Charity. If everyone in the world was as Charitable as possible then the entire world would have the gospel. Always love everyone and care about them. Help them in anyway you can. Lose yourself for others. I know it is hard but when you do it I promise you will be blessed. Talk to ya soon! Miss you and love you!
Love, Elder Cobler
Ps the few pictures I added are just of the road we have to drive on when we go to this recent converts house that we are teaching how to read. It's kind of a sketchy house and the last missionaries got a knife pulled on them by the neighbors but they haven't done or said anything to us.

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