Saturday, October 25, 2014

September 22, 2014

My new companion is awesome and kinda reminds me a little bit of john and some of the things he used to say. Just tell him to email me or something so I can talk to him. I want to get his address too so I can send him a letter.

We havent gotten to go to the gym much because we bike so much now and we are always too tired to wake up. we usually bike over 20 miles a day and a lot of times we bike really fast so we really get our heart rate up. I will try to get to the gym more this week or at least get our for runs in the morning with more of the things you recomended. Im really excited for this transfer with Elder Bleyle and can't wait for everything we are doing! We are working super hard and a lot of times we work harder than Elder Merrill and I ever did.

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