Saturday, October 25, 2014

September 8, 2014
The picture i put on here is apparently all over in a bunch of baptist churches all over the country so that's really cool. I was mowing the lawn a couple weeks ago and this guy drove by in a taxi and then he said he was prompted to turn around and take a picture. Well this last week he found us again which really isnt hard here because i could run from one end of the 3 cities to the other in like 20 minutes. Well anyway the other day he found us again and held out his phone. we were trying to sneak up on an investigator because everytime she sees us she runs because she got on the internet and read a lot of false doctrine about our church but right when we got into their sight he pulled up in his taxi and stopped us. He held out his phone and showed us the picture. When he took it i thought he was some creep so that is why Im scowling at him. anyway, he told us all about how he blew up a huge poster of it and put it up in his church because he is a pastor and then how he emailed it out to a bunch of other pastors all over america and tons of them put it up in their churches as well and put the caption "What will you do to share the gospel with others?" It was really cool and he told us we could come by anytime and share with him so that was really cool. I had my first super depressing week this week...our most precious investigator randomly dropped us because she didnt understand the coffee part of the WoW...5 minutes before she texted us we were talking to the sisters in our area and telling them about how she will for sure be baptized. It was really sad. We all just sat there and moped for like 20 minutes until it was 9:30 we had to go home. She was totally fine with the rest of the WoW and she even let us take her cigarettes and ash tray...ASH TRAYS ARE DISGUSTING!!!!!!! When we went over it with her the first time she was like oh ya i can get over coffee easy i dont even drink caffeinated  coffee so Ill be fine and then the next night she texted us and told us to stop coming by. We did go teach her daughter a lesson last night which was really hard. She told us all about how she loved it when we came by and how she loved church and how she especially liked me but she didn't want to stop drinking coffee. Sorry Ill stop ranting about my investigators now. Its so much fun out here with Elder Merrill. We get a long really really well now and we get along with the sisters really well too. It makes missionary work a lot more fun. Later this week we are going to pick their locks and steal their excercise bike that they stole from us and we are going to go get a rug from their apartment that they are attached to since we have no carpet in our entire apartment and we only have one little hallway rug so we cant do our nightly ab workouts that my companion made. Now the whole mission does it. Its been a really rough week weather wise as well. it gets really really foggy in the morning but it still isnt even close to the foggiest it gets here. The past couple days it has been pouring rain and not even an umbrella helps. That will really be rough for the rest of the time im here in this area though because at my interview on tuesday I volunteered to give up our car because our mission has 7 cars too many so they have to sell some of them so I turned my area into a biking only area so that will be fun until its winter and not when it rains or when its too hot or humid or other words its going to be rough because it is always hot humid or rainy here so we'll see what happens.

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